Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thank you for the tears

I was driving to work today and started thinking about where I am in my life.  I have a ways to drive to work and so this is when I get most of my thinking done.  :)  Random things will pop into my head or I'll go down the mental list of errands I need to get done.  But today I thought about how my life has turned out and how I got to where I am.  How I became the person I am today.  And I thought about everything that has happened in my life to lead in this direction.  And as much as I am thankful for all the wonderful things in my life, I am also thankful for all the terrible things to.  I am thankful for all the tears I've shed over the situations in my life that caused me pain.

I am thankful for the tears that were shed over losing a friend.  It helped me to understand what a true friend is.

I am thankful for the tears that came when I lost my Grandfather.  I learned to love my family more because you never know when they might be gone.

I am thankful for the tears that fell when a relationship was over.  If those relationships did not end I would not be with the one I love.

I am thankful for the tears that wet my face when I watched a loved one go through I hard time.  I learned to be able to be strong for others.  And be there for them when they needed a shoulder.

I am thankful for the tears that dropped when I was upset at myself for not doing something right.  But, learned to dry them when I overcame those obstacles.

For all the hard times in my life, I am thankful for them.  Because without those times I wouldn't be where I am.  If my life had taken a turn in a different direction or I had given up I wouldn't be here enjoying what I have now.  I have a wonderful family, a love in my faith, and a strength in myself in knowing that I've made it through.

So when something comes around that makes me cry or gives me pain, I know that it will be better.  Going through those times helps us to understand the joy in life.  Without one you don't have the other.

No matter what you go through in life you can learn something.  You can turn the negative into a positive.  So when you shed another tear just remember. . . The tears that fall, will give you strength to get through the next tears that fall.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Brand New Bright and Shiny Air Force Wife

As you may have read in a previous post, I am an Air Force wife.  My husband is currently in Technical Training School for Air Traffic Control.  So I am brand new.  It took my hubby a year to get into the Air Force and he's been gone since November.  First to boot camp and now in tech school.  I've missed him terribly!!!  I've been very anxious as to when I'll see him again since his graduation isn't set in stone and we haven't known where we are going to end up.  I've been anxious since November. (*eye twitches and feet tap rhythmically on the floor)  It can't be healthy.   Well, we finally found out where we are going to be stationed.  We are going to Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, TX!!! (More than one ! is really more of an exaggeration and my will of being really really excited for Wichita)  LOL  Which is only like two hours from where I'm living now.  And of course on our dream sheet we put down Germany, Guam, California, Florida, etc.  But of course anywhere with my hubby is the place I want to be.  :)  Aaahh. . . love. . .

So that means that around May I really get to experience my first military move ever and will be living on base.  And I have no idea what to expect.  You can research and find as much information on the internet as you can about moving with the military but I need a place with PERSONAL EXPERIENCE to see how that person handled it.  With tips and everything.  And it's been hard going trying to find someone who's talked about the whole process from start to finish.

So I am here to save all you Brand New Bright and Shiny Air Force Wives from having to search any further.  I will tell you how it is.  I will write about what to do.  I will bring you the truth! Yes we are only moving two hours away and it's not an overseas move so I might not be able to help with that, but still, being able to have someone's personal view on the subject can't hurt.

So I will be here for you!  I mean how hard could it be? (lol spoken like a true brand new Air Force wife who doesn't know the headaches of military life yet)  I've got my Air Force earrings, my Air Force wife water bottle, my Air Force wife luggage bag, and the series of Army Wives tucked under my shoulder.  I'm set.  I'm ready to go.

Bring it on.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The fence needs fixin'... the peaches need pickin'... and the cows need bringin' round . . .

You might have recognized the title from a country song by Rodney Atkins.  I enjoy country music very much, and let's face it, I live in Texas.  No shortage of country music here.  But what I really enjoy is the image of actually doing those things.  Fixing a fence, finding eggs, milking the cow (although the only thing I've every tried to milk was a goat at the fair when I was 14, but I think I got the hang of it).  I have an image in my head of one day living out in the country or at least a house with land and being a part of nature.  Of actually having a hand at growing food and caring for livestock.  Although my husband would definitely limit the animals we could have because I would have them all.  And I'm talking like in the movies where a goat presses his head through the window of our wood cabin.  I know, such dreams.  :)

I enjoy reading books about pioneers.  To read about their way of life and how they survived without all the amenities we have today.  They would take as many supplies as they could and load it into their  wagon.  They'd bring things like cornmeal, eggs, dried meat, potatoes, rice, beans, and a big barrel of water.  They'd bring their cow if they had one and use it for milk.  Pioneers also made their own clothing and performed all their own repairs.  Everything that fit in their wagon couldn't weigh more than 2,000 pounds.   And this was for the entire family.  Everything they needed.

There's a particular series of books I enjoy.  It's called the Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke.  It's the kind of series I can read over and over again and imagine myself in that time.  To be able to pick up and journey off to a new land and find a beautiful clearing near a river and build a log cabin, raise chickens, and start a vegetable garden.  If you haven't read this book I encourage you to.  They are not very long but are very descriptive and just fun to read.  And yes they are sappy love stories as well but what woman doesn't enjoy that every now and then.  I also found the books to be great spiritual uplifters.  Which is always a good thing to be able to enjoy when you can, especially with all the other entertainment choices out there.

And you can tell this stuff interests me by my favorite movie choice, which is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers.  Again the story takes place back in that time where there was 'courting' and wood chopping and beautiful full length skirts.  Lol  My mother-in-law always tells me that she wishes she could be apart of that era.  She says she was born in the wrong time. Lol.  I think I would enjoy to be able to experience some of that time.  But, that is why I am determined to bring the essence of that time into the now.  I know I can't go out and buy a farm somewhere (even though one of my dream vacations would be to go to a working ranch and work for seven days straight . . . my husband is probably shaking his head at this).  I know, who would want to work on their vacation?  I still think I would enjoy it.  :)

I believe that adding a little bit of self sufficiency into our lives is a very good thing to do.  Grow a garden.  Collect seeds.  Learn how to preserve food by canning.  Make your own blankets (I'm working on a blue crochet one now for my hubby).  Grow herbs for cooking.  Bake your own bread.  These are just a few things I am determined to try and I will definitely share my progress.  If you know of anything else I can try please let me know.  We can lengthen the list.

Monday, March 28, 2011

First Blog

This is my first personal blog post.  Ever.  (Other than my family blog post, but this is different).  This is also the first publicly available  piece of writing I've ever created.  The pressure is on.  There are many things I plan to write about, and hopefully it will live up to the name of this blog and prove insightful and helpful to anyone out there.  

So first, here is a little about me.  I am an Air Force wife.  I am a Mormon.  I come from a long line of Irish Ancestors and love to do genealogy.  I have currently been taken hostage by this 'going green' hype and am loving to learn new ways to 'go green'.  I find it quite fun.  :)  I enjoy looking for ways to improve my life.  I even have a folder of pictures just for that.  When I look through a magazine and I see something I want to do, to try, to make, to cook, etc. I rip out that page and save it for later.  So in essence this is another 'folder' for me.  I am actually going to do those things and be able to write about it.  And there may be some of you out there who would like to try them with me. 

And further more I would like this to be a place where people can comment and talk about everyday things.  A place where you feel like you're a part of something.  A place where you'll find laughter, strength, and I'm sure frustrations as well.  Let's face it, it's life, it's not perfect.  

I plan to start writing a few times a week.  I would really love to have certain days during the week dedicated to certain things.  For instance: Mondays would go to new things to try in 'going green'.  Wednesdays: New exciting recipes.  Strength Saturdays: where you can come and find a story that will lift you for your week.  These are not set in stone and am currently brainstorming. (you don't want to see my hand today, it's covered in writing from todays thoughts). (I never seem to have a paper handy when I need it.  And even though we are technologically advanced and I have a phone with a note taking app, I can't seem to get to the note page fast enough).

I look forward to writing this blog and hope you look forward to reading it.