Sunday, August 7, 2011

Compassionate Service Ideas HELP!

I have been called to be the Relief Society Compassionate Service Coordinator.  I found out last Sunday but today it was made official.  Since then I have been searching and searching the web for any ideas on what I can do for compassionate service for the ladies at church.  And to my surprise I couldn't really find anything.  And if there's anything to be found on the internet I can usually find it.  I'm big into researching.  I like to know what's going on.  Like a few days ago I was bit really really hard by my cat and spent quite some time on the internet looking at what to do for cat bites, possible complications, what to look for as far as infection, etc. etc. etc.  LOL not such a healthy habit at times.
But, anyway back to topic, I've been trying to think of things that I can do to help others to the best of my ability.  I've always been really into service.  I really enjoy it.  Being able to help others gives me such a great feeling of satisfaction and the feeling that I'm able to make a difference in someone's life.  Even if it's only for a moment. 

Part of my job is getting to know the sisters in my ward.  Not a very easy thing because I am extremely shy when it comes to talking to knew people and introducing myself.  Plus, I don't like talking on the phone.  I never know what to say!  I get so nervous that all thoughts just vacate my brain.  Which is completely ironic because I love to talk through writing.  :)  I can email and text to my hearts content and not have a problem at all.  So hopefully others like to communicate in the same manner.  LOL I have sooo many roll over minutes that I lose minutes every month because I don't use them.  And my text list is like four pages long.  It's ridiculous.  :)

So, for the upcoming months my goal is going to be to get to know people and learn their names.  And what better way to learn about others than to involve them in service.  So, any ladies out there, I know your days are hectic and you have a million things to do.  So, if you could have someone do something for you, what would it be? I know we all crave a cleaner house and wish someone could help, or wish someone could take the kids for a few hours during the week, but is there anything else you wish you could have someone help with?  

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!  I'm eager to start implementing my own ideas I have, but I need more!


  1. Guess who else got called to be Compassionate Service Coordinator last Sunday? Me! I asked what the position was all about, but other than delivering meals to sick people, and the definition that is written in the handbook, no one could tell me. I tried calling the last CSC hoping to speak to her to get tips, but she has not called me back. is what I did. I Googled "Compassionate Service Coordinator tips lds" and I came up with around ten hits. I copied and printed everything I found. There is some great stuff out there, like the new baby checklist and the funeral checklist. I went to Staples and I bought a three ring binder and some colored dividers and I now have everything I printed three-hole punched and organized in my notebook.
    I have one section for "checklists", 2nd section is "card template and lds tech", 3rd section is "Duties" and the 4th section is a letter with a 2 page questionnaire I would like to send out to all our families. I got the idea because there was already a questionnaire online asking families what kinds of foods they like and don't like, allergies, how many in the family, I made up a new questionnaire that includes that, plus a question about pets, and a second questionnaire asking time availability and skills available from volunteers. I typed up a little cover letter to go with that, and I will run it past my WRS President and see if she will allow me to mail it out. Next, from my reading, I understand we may need to form a small committee to help us with things like finding volunteers to write letters to our missionaries and those who are in the military, and sending birthday cards.(maybe have one person just for that)....and have another person in charge of meal delivery.
    If my WRS president allows me to do the mailing, I will have a separate section in the notebook of food likes and dislikes for every family in our branch, and then a third section with my list of volunteers organized by town and skill set.
    Last, I hope to talk to my WRS President about creating a barter board for people in our branch who are elderly or handicapped. If they need services such as cleaning their bathtub and shower, and are offering to bake bread in exchange, there should be a bulletin board where people can view the barter opportunities.
    Somewhere in here, I have to create a form I can hand to my WRS President and Bishop showing them what services have been performed for whom and on what date.
    So, briefly, you are responsible to coordinate rides for the sick and elderly who can't get to their doctors are responsible for welcoming new members with a welcome letter and possibly a visit with food or flowers, you are responsible for welcoming new babies (see new baby checklist which you can google) and for delivering meals to the sick, for arranging companionship for the elderly and the lonely, and for all funeral dinner arrangements, which include making sure the church is clean in advance, making sure the WRS room has chairs set up and several tables with tablecloths for photos. You will have to coordinate with the Bishop and the minute people leave the gravesite you will start setting out the food. You want to make sure there are enough tables in advance, and tablecloths and centerpieces.
    One of your main jobs will be finding out where the talent lies in your church. As I understand it, there are women who just love to decorate....and they are a natural choice to be put in charge of centerpieces and making adorable little baby favors.
    And Last...I am just spouting off now....I think we should try to remember that Compassionate Service can extend to people who are not inside our could become the very cornerstone of your church's outreach program. Sorry to go on and on...I am just excited about my new job, I guess. Robin

    1. I just got called as Compassionate Service Leader yesterday and did the same thing as you - Googled desperately looking for ideas. I know this is an old post (and response), but is there any way I can get a hold of any of your forms and lists and... everything?

    2. Any chance I could get the documents you have?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
