Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hiking, Water, and Hissing Cockroaches

I actually got to go outside today!  The weather was under 100 today for the first time in. . . forever.  In the morning the hubby and I did some road side clean up for his work.  It was pretty much cigarette butts all day long, but I just so happened to come across a 10 dollar bill.  LOL  That was fun.  :)

After the clean up we decided to go home and pick up Gorgi and go explore the hiking trails around Wichita Falls.  We packed up the backpack full of water bottles and picked up some lunch on the way with the 10 bucks we found.  This was Gorgi's first hike and she loved it.

See . . . She was already smiling before we even started.  :)

We were really surprised at how green it was here.  Because let me tell you, Wichita Falls does not look like this.  It always looks like a desert wasteland.  So, we were pleasantly surprised to seem some beautiful trees and so much green.  :)

We had to cross a bridge that moved up and down like crazy.  Gorgi seemed to really like it.  I bet if she could jump so would have been jumping with us.  :)

Our new camera has a really cool 'panoramic setting'.  It was really cool to be able to get the bend of the river in one photo.

These are the falls at the end of the first hike.

I played with the shutter speed on my new camera to 'slow and soften' the look of the water.  I think it turned out pretty cool.

I think at some points she felt like jumping in.  

She kept getting 'hog-tied' in her leash! Lol

After the hike there was a nature center with butterflies, plants, and a lot of bugs.  This is me actually holding a hissing cockroach!  And it hissed at me!  I can't believe I actually did it, but at least I got it on camera so I could prove I did it! LOL
These were the prairie dogs the conservatory had.  This guy was really intent on getting out of his cage!

Daryl took some gorgeous photos of the butterflies at the conservatory.  You can see more of them on our facebook page.  :)

We had so much fun today and will definitely be planning a trip back there in the near future.  We'll have to wait for a break in the weather again of course, but this place was a definite must.  So for those of you who plan to come visit, this will be on the agenda.  :)

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