Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Give a Little, Get Alot
So here we are on #7 of 12 for new things to try this coming week. I hope you've been able to try some of these and are feeling more strength come into your life. Today's number seven is about charity.
Charity is such an important thing. Not only does charity help others it also helps us. When we give to others, whether it be time, talent, or money, we start to feel a real connection with others and it becomes a cycle. The more we give the more we feel great about giving and the more we want to be able to give more.
One of the best ways to relieve yourself from the stresses in life is by giving to others. When you help others it takes the focus off of you and your problems and shifts the focus to the needs of others. Here are a few ways we can get connected into charity. Be active, get involved. It doesn't have to be big at all, but a little something would be fantastic.
1. Walkathons
Walkathons are charity walks. The only thing required is desire, determination and a pair of good walking shoes. Get registered and ask sponsors to donate money on behalf of you walking. Donations can be anywhere from $1.00 to as much as your sponsor is willing to donate. And what a great way to increase your exercise activity!
2. Local Food Bank
This is a wonderful charity where you can help those in your community get the food they need. All it takes is a phone call to your local food bank to get started.
3. Local Nursing Home
Many residents or nursing homes don't have anyone to visit them and would love a visit from a warm and friendly person.
4. Pet Shelters. (One of my favorites)
Pets need love too! There are many pet shelters that are in need of volunteers to care for sick and homeless pets and to help them to find good homes. If you love pets and enjoy working with them this is a great charity for you.
You can find many more opportunities at or a fantastic place is
I started collecting items and money from work last month to make Humanitarian Hygiene Kits. It was a wonderful experience putting those kits together. I can't wait to be able to do it again.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Love is in the Air
You can't ignore the fact that love is an extremely complex emotion, and it's not hard to find love around us. We love our family, friends, pets and even our plants. Little do we realize that love can act as a great stress relief.
As such, love is a natural feeling which is responsible for improved state of mind and improved health. You must have often heard people say, "health and happiness go hand in hand." For mothers, loving your children helps to offset the stress that goes with child-rearing. You can love nature, love life, love your partner. Being in love can reduce all kinds of stress.
There is no doubt that love is one of the most potent forces on earth. And as powerful as it is, it can be difficult to explain. On a basic level, love is an affectionate "warm" emotion that we experience for others. When we engage in love and affection, it can have a transforming and fortifying effect on us.
The more love you experience, then the more stable your personal foudnation will be. The more stable your foundation, the more you will be able to withstand good stress and eliminate bad stress.
You can cultivate your love experiences by being fully involved in them. You can do this by acknowledging them and being honest in them. It could be your spouse or your pet, give them time and attend to what they idicate they need. Part of the power of love is sharing, and hear a few ways you can maintain good relationships with love.
Communicate: Fill your day with love by taking the time to communicate with each other. It can be over the phone, through a text, a card, but most importantly tell someone you love that you love them. Saying these words can have a powerful effect on your own mind.
Spend Time with Each Other: Sharing in laughter and memories is a great up-lifter. But even if you are just sitting there with someone without talking the fact that you have someone next to you to lean on when necessary is a great feeling.
Physical Contact: You may be amazed at how powerful a simple hug can be as a stress management tool. Take advantage of this, and use physical contact as a way to reduce stress.
Another tip is to create a "space of love" like a garden or certain spot in the house where you and your family can be, in love. :)
So today, trying saying, "I Love You", one extra time and bring a smile not only to your face but to the other person as well.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Let Go
This post is about what holding a grudge does to your body and how the miracle of forgiveness can right that wrong. Forgiveness is the mental or spiritual process of ceasing to feel resentment, indignation, or anger against another person for a perceived offense, difference or mistake, or ceasing to demand punishmnet or restitution. Well, that's at least what Wikipedia says. And we all know that is easier read than actually done.
Holding a grudge is like actually holding bitterness inside of you. You're body is essentially in constant stress because subconsciously your mind is thinking about the wrong that was done to you. And when you can't let go of something you'll constantly think about it. Maybe not every day or every week, but often enough to know that when it does happen you perspire more, your heart races faster, your blood pressure goes higher, and your facial features become more distressed. And it's not like you feel this as a one time thing. Whenever you think about it your body releases stress. And we all know what stress can do to your body overtime. Doctors are actually finding in their studies that bitterness affects the healing rates of cardiovascular patients and their overall sense of wellness.
Wouldn't it be great if we could let go of that? You're probably thinking, "I've tried already and it's too hard and I can't accept what they did.". But, let's be clear, forgiveness doesn't mean that we approve, accept, dismiss, or condone what someone else did. Forgiveness is about setting yourself free and you can do that by releasing the past so it no longer has control over your thoughts or the way you feel.
Forgiveness can increase our health benefits on all levels; mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Forgiveness can also decrease someone's chances of alcohol or drug abuse.
While giving forgiveness may not always be easy, it is always worth it. If it is hard, pray for guidance. I know the one thing that helped me in forgiving others was to pray for their well being. It helped me to understand that even though I did not accept what they did, they were still a child of God and was still a good person. Once you can feel in yourself the good in the other person and feel that you can let go of what was done, say it outloud. You don't have to be infront of anyone when you say, do it when you're alone. And say outloud, "I forgive you". Once we can do this we will feel better and more free. It is amazing to feel the actual weight lift, when you can accomplish this. Now, you may not be able to do this overnight, but work on it for the next week.
We also have to remember that we should not only forgive others, but we need to forgive ourselves. Sometimes you may hear the saying, "We are our own worst enemies". That can really be true. When we can't forgive ourselves, we can't move on. You can never expect to actually improve when you are holding yourself back. Stop being angry with yourself. Stop being afraid to forgive yourself. Stop thinking you don't deserve it.
Don't be held back. If you have all this stuff bottled up inside and you never forgive others or yourself, there is no room for improvement because it's taking up space! Let, it go. Be free. And find your strength.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Make a Green Friend
We could all use another friend in our lives. Who ever said you can't buy friendship with money. Well I can tell you that a cute little friend can be bought with about $5. Now like everything in life, nothing comes for free without a little hard work, and you will have to care for your little friend.
Yes, I'm talking about plants. Having a plant, whether it be an outdoor plant, a garden, or an adorable indoor plant, each will bring you some stress relief. And plants not only help you with your mental health they will also help with your body being healthy as well.
The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that Americans spend up to 90% of their time indoors. And inside air can contain 10 times more pollution that the air outside!!! Improved air quality can help improve your health and your productivity.
I found this intriguing article that I wanted to share with you about certain plants that reduce stress, fight colds, and reduce toxins.
*Plants to Fight Stress
- Chinese Evergreen - In one study from Washington State University, people in a room of plants including this Chinese Evergreen had a 4-point drop in their systolic blood pressure after taking a stressful test, compared with only a 2-point drop in a group that had no exposure to plants.
- Arrowhead Vine - In one study, the Arrowhead Vine helped induce a 4-point drop in systolic blood pressure among stressed-out test subjects.
*Plants to Fight Colds
- English Ivy
- Small openings on the underside of a plant's leaves release moisture into the air, boosting humidity to alleviate cold symptoms. Because of English Ivy's high volume of leaves, horticulturists recommend it as one of the most effective cold-fighting plants.
- Heart-Leaf Philodendron - In one study from the Agricultural University of Norway, people with office plants including the Heart-Leaf Philodendron reported 37% less coughing and 25% less hoarseness after 3 months than when they left their offices plant-free.
- Fragrant Dracaena - This Fragrant Dracaena variety reduced workers' sore throat symptoms and helped cut complaints of fatigue by 30%, in a Norwegian study.
- Peace Lily - Peace Lilies paired with a few other plants, including the heart-leaf philodendron, can boost a room's humidity by up to 5%, finds a study from the Bavarian State Institute of Viticulture and Horticulture. In the dry winter months, this small increase is enough to relieve dry throats and noses.
- African Violet - An African Violet works well with other plants to add moisture to the air and kick cold symptoms.
*Plants to Cut Toxins
- Janet Craig - When plants take in oxygen and carbon dioxide, they also pull in VOCs, toxins that are released by cleaning supplies, printers, and other household items. Three Janet Craigs cut VOCs in a 130-square-foot room by up to 70%, finds research from the University of Technology in Australia.
- Sweet Chico - Six Sweet Chicos, a smaller table-size peace lily, have the same toxin-reducing effect as floor-standing Janet Craig plants, according to Australian research.
- Kentia Palm -The Kentia Palm breathes in toxins effectively, cutting VOC levels--toxins that are released by cleaning supplies, printers, and other household items--from a home, according to a study from the University of Technology.
* Information provided by Taiga Company
Stress relief and health is just a potted plant away.
1. Low cost to no cost.
Plants can be purchased at a very low cost and in most cases under $5. Adopting a plant from a friend or relative is also a great way to acquire one. Clay pots and potting soil are inexpensive as well.
2. Low maintenance.
Just give some water, light, and love. Simple as that. Unless you are planting a garden and then it involves a little more science and commitment.
3. Responsibility and Anti-Depressive.
Plants give someone a little responsibility. Like a dog, most plants are very forgiving and really don't get sick much. Unless you're me and you find that most plants seem to hate you :( Plants are great at 'greeting' you when you come home. They also encourage you to throw open the curtains and let the sunshine in, even on days you would rather stay under the covers or eat a bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
4. Smart food.
You can also put food producing plants on your patio or porch. How great would it be to have salad tomatoes that you grew yourself. Or even lettuce. Let your imagination blossom. You can even share seeds with friends and grow herbs together. Knowing you have grown something yourself give you a sense of purpose and pride in yourself.
5. The beauty of plants.
Beauty relieves stress and plants add beauty to your home. The colors and textures of the blossoms will slow you down long enough to stop and admire them.
My husband says that my posts sound as though I'm trying to get everyone to become plant loving hippies. lol. He says with all this mediating, journal writing, healthy eating and love of plants someone is bound to start walking around with a skirt made of wheat and changing their name to Rain. Well, all I have to say to that is. .
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Veggies, Fruit, and Water. Oh my.
So today is not going to be very long. And I'm sure you're sighing with relief. :) I know my last few posts have been long. I just have sooo much to say. :)
Whenever we want to lose weight or become more healthy we constantly focus on the things that we shouldn't be eating. I shouldn't be eating chocolate cake. I really should not eat so many servings of dinner. It's always, stop this, stop that, don't eat this, don't eat that. Well, I'm changing it!!! That's it! No more! I've had it! So, we are going to change it to eat more, eat more, eat more.
Now I know you're wondering how this can work. So, I will tell you. :)
Add more good stuff to your diet.
* Add more fruit to your diet (and fruit juice doesn't count). This is fruit picked from a plant and not processed or added to. Grab an apple, an orange, some grapes, etc. Eat more fruit!!!
* Add more vegetables to your diet. I love vegetables. They are one of my favorite things. Grab some carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. Make salad with all the veggies on top! Eat more vegetables!!!
* Add more water to your diet. Drink, drink, drink. The easiest way to do this is to carry a water bottle with you. I know that whenever I carry one with me I'm always sipping out of it. That's a good thing!
When you start eating more fruits, vegetables, and water you won't be hungry enough to eat the bad stuff! Ta-Da!!! There you go. Simple as pie.. I mean veggies.
See you tomorrow for day four! Bring your peaceful meditated self, awesome journal, and a bowl of carrots with you.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Live, Love, Write!
So here we are on day two of our 12 Days to try 12 New Things! I hope you all took the time to try meditating yesterday! Hopefully you were able to bring a little peace and strength into your life : )! I know there's a lot of exclamation points!!!! But, I'm so excited about this series! lol
So as you can probably guess from the title, this post is about journal keeping. And I know what you're thinking... "I've tried journal keeping before but couldn't stick to it..." "I don't have enough time in the day to sit down and write." Believe me I've said those things before. I even have an old journal where every year I would make it my New Years resolution to write in my journal everyday. And I didn't have one that lasted more than three days. And then I would post like a month later and write, "I'm so mad I haven't been writing in my journal..." and then nothing but blank pages.
So what has helped me actually start a journal and keep it this time around? Well, I always had a preconceived notion about what journal writing should be like. I thought you needed a dedicated amount of time to sit down and write and post everything that happened that day and how it made you feel, etc. So, I tried doing that before bed but would always be so tired that I would end up falling asleep. And instead of writing being a pleasure, it felt like a chore! Just something I 'had' to do during the day. One more thing to add to the list.
But, I've redefined it for myself. And just as each person is different, the way we write is different. And a journal is not just a book to keep a record of our journey, it can also help us. A journal can also be used for self-evaluation and self-improvement. We can come to know ourselves better through writing.
When you go throughout your day your head is constantly filled with a whole smorgasbord of thoughts, feelings, etc. And because we have sooo much going on in our heads we aren't really able to devote enough of our mind to each individual thought. So no matter how hard we try some of those thoughts are lost. And those thoughts can be important.
I never thought I would be able to keep writing, but with a few tips and techniques that I've discovered it'll be easier for you to start and continue. Now I have a few journals. I have a day journal. I have a spiritual journal. I have a genealogy journal. And I've started this blog. I enjoy being able to separate them out so when I need some spiritual uplifting I can take out my spiritual journal and read through some of the pages and be able to find something that will really help me. Same for the day journals. I can bring that journal out and read about a certain day and laugh and remember.
So here is what I suggest to help you through this process. :)
1. Go out and find a really nice looking journal. It doesn't have to be expensive but find something that looks appealing to you. Something that looks like you. Whether it's bright pink with flower stickers, a nice solid deep black with silver lettering, an old-fashioned leather one, or basic white that you've decorated with sharpies. Either way when you see that journal you'll be able to pick it up and get excited about writing. There's nothing wrong with enticing ourselves to want to write a little more. And furthermore, get a nice pen if you want as well.
2. Start small. Don't worry about writing down everything that happens. It's time consuming and on some days you may not have the time dedicated to writing. Life gets crazy. So, start out small. Write down just one thought you had that day. Write about just one feeling you had about one incident. I have quite a few days where the only thing I write is: "Had a great day, everything just came together", "Today was really tough, but I just need to remember the importance of prayer", "I hate clocks". They are tiny thoughts, and as random as they may be, I became accustomed to writing, and was able to continue.
3. Decorate, decorate, decorate. It really helps to decorate your journal. Journals don't have to just be pen on paper. Decorate your journal. Buy some stickers, use some color, throw in a flower that you can press between the pages of a day you really want to remember. Be creative. This not only makes your fabulous journal look great to you, it will get you more excited to write and open it up. Life is not a journey that is just black and white, it comes with color and a whole lot of emotion so show that in your journal.
4. Any time, any place. Keep your journal in a place that's handy. Whether its carrying it in your purse (if it's big enough), placing it on the nightstand or in a special drawer, you're more likely to write in it if you can see it. And you don't have to reserve a certain time of the day to write. Anytime is a good time. And one of the ways I think you can really learn to start journaling is to write after you MEDITATE! Hey, there you go. You can combine the two. You're already in a place that's peaceful and would have just got done bringing more peace into your life through meditating, so write about how it made you feel.
5. Be yourself. Remember, this is yours and yours alone. Show your true self in your journal. Don't be afraid to let it out. This journal is a representation of you, not of the image you may portray. I mean it's not like we can breakdown in the cereal isle and throw a fit if we feel like it. But, you can in your journal and no one will escort you out of your bedroom for inappropriate behavior.
6. Start now. Don't put this off. Go out and get that journal and follow these tips. Do it for the next 11 days and see the difference.
I will see you here tomorrow for the third thing to try in 12 days to try 12 new things! I'm having sooo much fun with this! Hope you are too!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Breathe, Breathe, Meditate
So here we go. We have officially started our 12 days to try 12 new things. And the first one to try is to learn to meditate. Now before you don't finish this post because you think that meditating is too hard or you don't want to sit cross-legged on the floor and hum, don't leave yet. I promise you, learning to meditate is very easy and does not take very long at all but the benefits are enormous. And if you don't believe me. . . well, you'll just have to try it.
All it takes is just five to ten minutes a day. . .
And it's easy. . .
Need I go on?
Well I will anyway because this is stuff you have to know! Meditation is the art of silencing your mind. And, if that can work for me, it can work for you. :) When your mind is silent, concentration is increased and you are able to feel a sense of peace. And especially in this day when the world is in a complete turmoil and we have to constantly surround ourselves with that crazziness it rubs off on us. There is no way we cannot be apart of that world of beating the clock, running errands, and just about everything else we try to accomplish in the space of 24 hours. So, we need to try to balance our lives by adding a little peace.
Here are some of the benefits of meditation. Just in case you didn't know. Or did know and have forgotten the art of meditating.
* Improve concentration - when your mind is clear you are more productive, especially in creative way likes painting, drawing, writing, or putting together a schedule for the day.
* You'll feel less bothered by little things - Our minds have a way of magnifying the small things into serious problems. Meditation helps us detach, so we can see the 'bigger picture'.
* Better health - There have been numerous studies pointing to the health benefits of meditation. The reason is: meditation reduces stress levels and alleviates anxiety. Stress causes loss of sleep, sickness, etc.
And those are to just to name a few. So, here is an easy way to learn how to meditate.
1. Choose a quiet place. Somewhere where you won't be disturbed for at least five minutes. Sit down, preferably in a chair because it would be best not to have your legs crossed so as not to impede blood flow. Regardless of how you sit make sure you are sitting up straight. That means no slouching or leaning back. Yes I mean you!
2. Breathe slowly and deeply. Close your eyes softly. You want to inhale through your nose and exhale from your mouth. Aim to make your exhaling longer than inhaling. But, don't force your breathing. Let it come naturally. You want to be able to gradually breathe more slowly and more deeply as you focus.
3. Be aware. When you are breathing deeply, you will begin to feel calmer and more relaxed. That's a good sign! :) You want to be able to keep your attention on your breathing. Listen to the rhythm. Feel the rhythm. Now, if you find your mind wandering that is ok. This may be your first time trying this. Just focus back on your breathing. As you try this more, you'll find it easier to concentrate.
4. End the session. When you are ready to end the session, open your eyes and stand up slowly. I set a five minute timer for myself the first time I did it and it felt like it was over in a second. When you really start to feel connected to your body all the stress just seems to melt away from you.
So . . . your goal for the next twelve days is to try this once a day. You can decide the time you do it, whether it be in the morning or before you go to bed. For how long, whether it be five minutes or twenty. And how often you do it. But, for twelve days meditate at least once and see how much stress you can take off yourself.
Tips: I like to light a candle and turn off the lights in the room that I'm using. I find it easier on the eyes to relax without any bright lights but it's not dark enough that I'd trip and stub my toe on the furniture.
Stay Tuned for Tomorrow's #2 of Twelve Days to try Twelve New Things.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
12 Days to try 12 New Things
Alright everyone it's time for an adventure. Pack your sunscreen, flip flops, and favorite magazine. We're heading for a stress free week. We'll lay in the shade under a big umbrella and feel the breeze cool our skin, sipping ice cold water with a little lemon and a pink umbrella. Oh, one day. One day. :) And because I know that you can't just pick up and leave at a moments notice and call in to work or have someone babysit the kids, we're going to make the best of it. Let's break up the monotony of everyday life and add a little to it. Add a little fun and decrease a little stress.
Just think if we could decrease our stress by even a bit we would feel better. Stress has a negative impact on our minds, our bodies, and our lives. And this blog is about increasing our strength in ourselves. In order to do that we need to sweep some of that stress out and replace it with a little more strength, a little more happiness. And let's face it, you can't ever add too much of that.
So here we go. Our adventure is going to be 12 days long. Why 12? Well I was brainstorming and it just ended up being twelve. I tried to make it 7 so we could have a full week or even 10, but I couldn't bring myself to remove any of the ideas so 12 it will be. I hope you are here to take on this adventure with me and try these new things together.
I'll post number one tomorrow and so on and so forth. And at the end we can come together and talk about what worked and maybe what didn't and how to improve the list.
Please feel free to add any thoughts or opinions or different ways to try the new things I post. Let's make this a big a event. If we can help as many people with de stressing as we can, just think of how much the world would be a nicer place. :) So grab a friend, grab a buddy, grab your sister, or your mom and try these things together. Not only will you have fun you'll also be able to share together.
A little laughter and a good time can increase our spirits. So. . . let's have some fun.
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