Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Veggies, Fruit, and Water. Oh my.

Now, on to the third day of 12 Days to try 12 New Things.  Hopefully you went out and got your journal already and have started to write in it.  Anyone feeling more productive?  Happier?  More relaxed?  Well I hope that you are.

So today is not going to be very long.  And I'm sure you're sighing with relief. :)  I know my last few posts have been long.  I just have sooo much to say. :)

Whenever we want to lose weight or become more healthy we constantly focus on the things that we shouldn't be eating.  I shouldn't be eating chocolate cake.  I really should not eat so many servings of dinner.  It's always, stop this, stop that, don't eat this, don't eat that.  Well, I'm changing it!!!  That's it! No more!  I've had it!  So, we are going to change it to eat more, eat more, eat more.

Now I know you're wondering how this can work.  So, I will tell you.  :)

Add more good stuff to your diet.  

*  Add more fruit to your diet (and fruit juice doesn't count).  This is fruit picked from a plant and not processed or added to.  Grab an apple, an orange, some grapes, etc. Eat more fruit!!!

*  Add more vegetables to your diet.  I love vegetables.  They are one of my favorite things.  Grab some carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.  Make salad with all the veggies on top!  Eat more vegetables!!!

*  Add more water to your diet.  Drink, drink, drink.  The easiest way to do this is to carry a water bottle with you.  I know that whenever I carry one with me I'm always sipping out of it.  That's a good thing!

    When you start eating more fruits, vegetables, and water you won't be hungry enough to eat the bad stuff!  Ta-Da!!!  There you go.  Simple as pie.. I mean veggies.

See you tomorrow for day four!  Bring your peaceful meditated self, awesome journal, and a bowl of carrots with you.

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