Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gorgi Gets Spayed :(

So I had the day off today!  Hallelujah!  I needed a day off so that I could take Gorgi to the vet.  It was time for her to get spayed.  I've been kind of worrying about it for a while, since I made the appointment for her almost two weeks ago.  I kept thinking, she's going to be in soo much pain.  The doctor is going to make a wrong incision.  She's going to bleed to death.  I know... drama queen... sheesh... well, she was just fine.

I dropped her off this morning at 8:30.  I had no problem getting her into the car at all. Anytime I open a car door, there she is trying to get in.  She'll even push me out of the way so she can get into the car.  And what about going to vet?  She doesn't care, there are people there, which only means one thing to her, "FRIENDS!!!!".  This dog absolutely LOVES everyone and every animal it comes in contact with.  So much for a guard dog if we ever needed one. . .  LOL  As long as it moves she considers it her best friend. Yes, that includes other animals, sticks, toys. . . leaves . . .  She just wants to make friends and all the time.  She is soooo lovable!

After getting lost going to the vet a bizillion times because I left my GPS at home and the iphone maps just does not cut it at all.  I swear, that gps app on the iphone, just sucks... That's the only time I ever want to throw my iphone out the window.

So when we finally arrived, Gorgi, merrily prances in the door and straight into the arms of anyone who's close enough.  I managed to keep her away from the three miniature Pomeranians, which were the size or her poop. LOL  At that point, the nurse started taking into the back and as soon as she realized that I wasn't going to come with her, she stops. . . dead in her tracks.  I start walking out the front door and she has her legs planted so far into the ground, that no amount of pulling or prodding from the nurse will get her to move.  So as soon as I'm out of her sight and she realizes I'm not there, she happily goes where ever the nurse takes her.  :)

I needed to pick her up at 4:30pm so in preparation of her coming home I cleaned the house.  I wanted to make sure everything was nice before she came home because I knew she would probably be sick from the Anesthesia or groggy or in pain.  So I swept and mopped the floors.  Cleaned her water and food tray and put out food and water for her because she hadn't eaten anything in over 20 hours.  I washed her bedding and made sure it was clean and smelled nice so she would have a soft place to lay down if she needed to.

And as I drive over to the vet's office I'm wondering how I'm going to get her up and into the car if she's half asleep and has stitches.  But, sure enough as I walk in to pick her up and they get her from the back she comes prancing out and is just as hyper as any other day.  That surgery didn't even faze her.  She was like, "Whatever, so I had a major surgery and my parts are missing, who cares, I got to spend ALL day with FRIENDS!!!""   So I managed to get her into the car and home.  She hasn't eaten anything yet but she's resting on her clean bed.  She's got antibiotics and pain killers that I'll give to her before she goes to sleep tonight.

So now I just have to try and keep her away from her stitches so that she can heal.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

First Time Fried Turkey

Daryl and I had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We've been so busy lately and been working so much that we haven't had much of a chance to see each other so it was nice to have a day off on the same day.  :)  We  stayed home this Thanksgiving because I had worked the day before and had to work the day after, but we missed family a lot.

Apparently up here in Texas, frying your turkey is a big thing.  And ever since Daryl's heard of it he's always wanted to try it.  So, this Thanksgiving we decided to buy all the supplies and actually try our hand at turkey frying.  Even though the turkey cooked in a record 42 minutes there was a lot of planning involved before hand.  Which included having to remove the innards from the turkey.  Ewww gross.  I'll cook it but I won't stick my hand inside pulling out parts.  That's just not me.  So Daryl had to do it.  I told him if you didn't there would be no turkey.  So he put on gloves and did the dirty deed.

We bought all the necessary items and set up our turkey fryer in the backyard a good distance from the house.  I was intent on making this turkey frying experience a safe one.  You always see those videos of the terrible fires and exploding turkeys, well, I was determined to let our turkey safely bathe in the boiling oil without exploding.

So, if you ever decided to try to fry a turkey these are the safety tips I recommend.

Always do a 'displacement test'.  Put your turkey in the fry bucket and measure how much water is needed to just cover the turkey.  That way when you slowly lower the poor little bird into the boiling oil it won't overflow and splash out.

Always had a fire extinguisher on hand.  Even if you are super careful you never know what could happen.  So be prepared.

Wrap the hose connector in foil.  In the case that oil does come out of the fryer and lands on your gas hose it won't 'eat through' and cause an explosion.

Keep all animals inside the house.  This was a very hard one because once Gorgi smelled the satisfying, crispy, juicy smell of the turkey she wanted out, and bad.

And stay outside with the turkey fryer the entire time it is one.  Don't leave it unattended.  Obvious.

With our safety precautions in mind, we pulled out a rather juicy looking turkey 42 minutes later.  Now, I've heard from a lot of people that fried turkey is rather dry especially in the breast area.  This was not my experience at all.  This was the juiciest turkey meat I've every had.  Needless to say the fried turkey has won our appeal.  (we bathed the turkey in salt and brown sugar solution for 8 hours before we fried it, so this might have helped)

We baked the usual Thanksgiving things. . . mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, Daryl's sweet potato pie, and we even made homemade rolls, which were amazing.

So all in all it was a wonderful Thanksgiving day . . .

Sunday, November 20, 2011

2nd Round of Clomid

* If you think you're waiting for a picture to load, you're not.  That's the picture*  Lol

Please wait . . . .  that is what my life feels like on the baby front.  I saw this caption and just had to add it because it made me laugh.  So I am now on my 2nd Round of Clomid.  As most of you know, we've been trying to start a family for quite some time.  The good thing is... we have great insurance thanks to Daryl.  It's costing us . . . $0, which is absolutely fantastic because last time we tried to go to the doctor for infertility it was going to cost us $3500 a month.

Now I have a fantastic doctor who is really working with us to help us conceive.  The best thing I like about this doctor is he's not the sort of doctor that just tries something and tells me to wait five months to see how it works, if it doesn't work one month he's on to something else.  So after my first visit and tests he put me on 50mg of clomid.  I took this last month and I went in to 'see if it had worked'.  And it did, it helped me ovulate which apparently I wasn't doing on my own.  And we had quite a few 'eggs' last month which gave us the possibility of multiples which Daryl was flipping out about. lol  But, sadly nothing happened last month.  The doctor says that even if everything goes right there is still only a %30 chance of conceiving.  So, I made another appointment this month and started my second round of clomid.  Because we weren't able to get pregnant last month he sent me in for some more blood work to check a few things.  And found out later that I have an abnormally high testosterone level.  yay me.. what does high testosterone cause you ask?  Acne, fun.  Hard time losing weight, even better.  And oh yah, infertility, yep sounds about right.

 So last Thursday I went for my scan to see if this month had worked, and it did, we've got a really nice 'egg'.  Yay!  Now, I get to wait another two weeks to see if this little guy decides to give me two lines on a test.  When that actually happens I'm going to think I'm hallucinating.  I've probably single handedly kept the pregnancy test companies afloat during these rough economic times.  I mean seriously, we've been trying for years, and almost every month I thought I could be pregnant.  And of course even when you take one and it says no, I always think, well it's just to early, so I keep on testing and spending money. lol

I'm just so thankful that Daryl and I are able to go through this and have things that may be able to help us have a baby.  Just finally being in this process gives us hope.  But, if it doesn't end up happening this month, the doctor is going to add some medicine to my routine to help with the high testosterone levels.  Give me all the medicine I can take!  We've waited so long already!  You know those places where you go and you see tons of pregnant ladies and you think, 'it must be in the water.'  Well, believe me I not only say that, I drink it!  Anything to help me have a chance!  lol  

But, if for someone reason Daryl and I don't end up getting pregnant in about another year, we have decided to start the adoption process.  And who knows, maybe this is what God has intended for us all along.  

So here's to another month, another two weeks of waiting, and another thousand tests I'm sure to take.  Cheers. : )  

Keep your fingers crossed for us!