Monday, August 1, 2011

Life in Wichita Falls Texas

Well everything went as smoothly as they can go in the move up here from
Arlington Texas. I had packed everything a few months before we actually had to move because I needed to get our house rented before then. So all we had to do was get everything into the rental truck. Weigh it. Get the cat situated. And drive to our new place.

Since then Daryl has continued his on the job training at the Air Traffic Control Tower. He has been doing very well and will continue his training for the next six to eight months. If he passes training and I'm sure he will, we will be here for the next two to four years. Which we are very happy about. :)

We love our new home here at Sheppard AFB. It has a great open floor plan with three bedrooms and a backyard. Lol we weren't even supposed to get three bedrooms because we don't have any kids but no two bedroom homes were available. We have gotten quite used to the extra room and wonder how we are going to deal with a smaller place if we have to move and don't have kids by then. Lol

We have gotten a new puppy, as I'm sure you have seen from the many pictures I have posted on Facebook. She is a South African Boerboel and her name is Gorgonzola or "Gorgi", which is what we usually call her. The training has been coming along and she is finally housebroken and crate trained for night time. We love her and her crazy antics and have enjoyed the added happiness and fun she brings to our little family.

When we first got here I was planning on looking for part time work, but with Daryls crazy schedule we wouldn't see each other very often so we decided it would be best if I stayed at home for now. I will have to go back to work full time if my rental house is vacated for any reason, but I am happy to nit be working until then. I've really enjoyed the time off and I get to go back to school! I received some scholarship money and hope to start this semester if I can get registered in time. If I can't I will definitely start the following semester. After so long I can finally finish my degree in Psychology and am very excited about that.

And as far as the baby stuff goes. No luck yet. Daryl and I have been trying for a family for a number of years now with no luck. I've seen doctors in the past but nothing was ever really done about it. They weren't the best doctors I've seen, that's for sure and the money involved to 'try to get pregnant' is astounding. So I finally made an Appt to see the doctor here on base so I could get a referral to a specialist. Another positive thing about being a military family is that fertility matters are covered %100 with a few exceptions. So the doctor said I definitely qualified for a specialist, so now I just wait another week for my referral to come in the mail. In the mean time while I waited she wanted to go ahead and do some blood work to get the process started. I haven't gotten my hormone results yet to check to see if I have PCOS but they did call me and tell me I had high cholesterol and triglycerides. Ooops. I've been doing really good and going to the gym but I have to eat better. Not working and being at home means I snack a lot and eat more. I jus have to buy better things at the grocery store. They also told me however that I had blood in my urine sample but that I didn't have a UTI so they weren't sure why it was there. So this morning I went in to give another sample and should find out at my appointment this Wednesday what that was all about with the rest of my bloodwork results. So I'm anxious for Wednesday to get here.

I also love my new ward here at church. There are great people there and young families who are dealing with the same sort of issues that all military families go through. We are very blessed that Daryl is able to go to church with me every Sunday even if it's only for the first hour or so.

Well, that's what life has been like up here in Wichita Falls Texas.